Friday, December 3, 2010

Sin planes...

Siempre me ha molestado el tipo de preguntas como ¿A qué te quieres dedicar? ¿Cómo te ves en 1, 2, 5, 10 años? ¿Qué es lo que quieres hacer? etc, etc, etc.
Y es sencillamente porque no tengo la menor idea.
Tengo 24 años y 9 meses; estoy estudiando una segunda carrera; he vivido en distintos países; y no se cómo me veo en 1 año; no tengo ni la menor idea.
No me gusta que me hagan planear, no creo en la realización de los planes; tengo un poco de conflicto con la idea del plan divino, pero no creo que pueda ganarle al destino.
Lo único que se de la vida es que quiero ser una persona feliz; quiero que hasta en mis peores momentos haya sonrisas y fiestas; que después de mis lágrimas venga la calma y una carcajada para olvidarnos de todo; quiero sentir el cosquilleo del aire; y quiero seguir disfrutando de la vida.
No quiero pensar en lo que vendrá, no quiero crear posibles situaciones y preocuparme por enfrentarlas, quiero vivir el día a día, y ver lo que pasa.

Mi plan de vida es ¡SER FELIZ!

Así que no me obliguen a planear porque la frustración no me viene bien. No sé que será de mi vida, no sé qué haré el resto de mis días, pero por hoy seguiré festejando la vida y las alegrías.

Friday, October 29, 2010


A todos los judíos del mundo,
mis amigos,
mis hermanos.

Estos poetas infernales,
Dante, Blake, Rimbaud
que hablen más bajo...
que toquen más bajo...
¡Que se callen!
cualquier habitante de la tierra
sabe mucho más del infierno
que esos tres poetas juntos.
Ya sé que Dante toca muy bien el violín...
¡Oh, el gran virtuoso!
Pero que no pretenda ahora
con sus tercetos maravillosos
y sus endecasílabos perfectos
asustar a ese niño judío
que está ahí, desgajado de sus padres...
Y solo.
aguardando su turno
en los hornos crematorios de Auschwitz.
Dante... tú bajaste a los infiernos
con Virgilio de la mano
(Virgilio, «gran cicerone»)
y aquello vuestro de la Divina Comedia
fue una aventura divertida
de música y turismo.
Esto es otra cosa... otra cosa...
¿Cómo te explicaré?
¡Si no tienes imaginación!
Tú... no tienes imaginación,
Acuérdate que en tu «Infierno»
no hay un niño siquiera...
Y ese que ves ahí...
está solo
¡Solo! Sin cicerone...
esperando que se abran las puertas de un infierno que tú, ¡pobre florentino!,
no pudiste siquiera imaginar.
Esto es otra cosa... ¿cómo te diré?
¡Mira! Éste es un lugar donde no se puede tocar el violín.
Aquí se rompen las cuerdas de todos los violines del mundo.
¿Me habéis entendido poetas infernales?
Virgilio, Dante, Blake, Rimbaud...
¡Hablad más bajo!
¡Tocad más bajo! ¡Chist!
Yo también soy un gran violinista...
y he tocado en el infierno muchas veces...
Pero ahora, aquí...
rompo mi violín... y me callo.

León Felipe

Sunday, October 10, 2010

That was not a chick flick...

It is not that I love to watch chick flicks (I do love movies, any kind, so I love chick flicks). But when I go into a movie theater to watch a chick flick, I expect exactly that... a chick flick. Not a sad movie that makes me want to cry through it all, and then at the end they try and fix it with a happy ever after.
I do not like it at all.
I do not want to go into a theater wanting to see a sweet and awwww kind of comedy, and having tears in my eyes, praying to a supreme deity that no one ever has to go live anything like they do in the movie.
When I go into a chick flick, I want to see a romantic and sweet movie with a spoon of laughter, that of course has a happy ending.
So no, I did not like "Life as we know it" and no it is not a chick flick.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post-Moss era begins...

Brady said. “He did a lot of great things for this team. You know, at the same time, I think coach Belichick feels that that’s what he thinks he needs to do for the team. So we as players, we deal with it and we move on. I think I’ve been around long enough to realize that nothing really surprises me, and the best thing for me to do is be the best quarterback I can be for the team.”

If Brady can deal with it so can I...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thought Questions

"If life is so short,
why do we do so many things we don't like
and like so many things we don't do?"


"Si he narrado en este discurso ciertos sucesos del pasado, si he revivido un nunca olvidado relato en esta ocasión y en este sitio tan diferente a lo acontecido, es porque en el curso de mi vida he encontrado siempre en alguna parte la aseveración necesaria, la fórmula que me aguardaba, no para endurecerse en mis palabras sino para explicarme a mí mismo."

Pronunciado por Pablo Neruda
con ocasión de la entrega del Premio Nobel de Literatura.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Sometimes we just need to get it all out. Sometimes I am confused and lost. Sometimes I don't know where I am going. Sometimes it is difficult to foresee the future. Sometimes it is difficult to live in the present. and Sometimes it is difficult to remember the past.

Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Deepest Fear

by Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


Crying sometimes is the way out... So, What happens when you have no tears?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's talk about me, let's color my world...

Sometimes I think I have found my voice… other I think I am still in the search…
I write to discover it, to discover me. Every step I take, takes me closer to it, to me.

I have always been red; no doubt, no questions asked. It has been my favorite color since I can remember. I would buy everything in that color, pens, clothes, bags, everything.
Now what does red means? It is passion, fire, intensity… There are no substitutions.
And I was red in all the sense of the word.
Almost a year ago something started to change, I wasn’t sure what or how, and I am not sure when did it start and when will it end, but I am changing I can feel it in the air, in the water, in the fire and mostly in me…
Suddenly I was more into purple than red, I would sometimes think purple was my favorite color. For a long time I tried to ignore it, I kept saying red was it and I was red.
When change appears it is inevitable. There is no stopping or turning back. But I didn’t understand it at all; and I didn’t like it a bit. Why was I liking purple? Why was I becoming purple? It didn’t make sense.
Suddenly I wasn’t going out that much, I was kind of laying low; all of this was making me sad and depressed, I didn’t understand at all. I was frustrated to be purple, because red is a great color, and I loved everything about being red.
After a couple of months really sad because I could see I was changing, but depressed because I wasn’t red and I was feeling purple, bug I was seeing blue. And while wondering people told me I was never going to stop being red, but I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t understand any of it. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t wanted to go out, not partying, not dancing, not nothing; even people around me didn’t understand, they thought I was getting sick or something. I didn’t want to stop being red; I was holding on to it, don’t wanting to let go.
But suddenly one day it hit me, like lighting, what I wasn’t seeing was that purple = red + blue, I was adding blue to my palette. And it made sense blue is cool, calm, and pacific; I was growing, maturing.
It was the increase in blue what made me blue, I didn’t know how to deal with it, I had never had blue in me, but I am becoming purple, a combination of red and blue. I have my red days and my blue days; I party and sometimes I stay home; I go out and sometimes I cook in; I see people and I enjoy my solitude. Now it doesn’t make me sad not wanting to go out, I enjoy my alone time, I enjoy my home. I don’t have to be out all night every night. I am growing and maturing, I am changing, but now through color I understand what is happening with me. Now I am purple, but I will always have a little red in me. I can still pull an all nighter, but I can enjoy a staying in.
Sometimes my favorite color is still red, sometimes I feel blue, but now I am purple and purple is me.

"I am not longer the same: my personality hasn't change, but certainly my being-in-the-world has." Sartre, (in a letter to Simone on Sept 28, 1939)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


"Contra viento y marea y tal vez contra el mundo..."

A veces no soy lo suficientemente fuerte para luchar, ni por ti ni por mi...

Just when you start to see the sunshine, clouds attack and it starts to rain... I am just going to stand still... at least for now...

Friday, August 6, 2010


write, written, wrote, will write...

Writing a letter that doesn't narrate your day, that goes beyond matters, that is worth to be written but more than that, that it is worth reading, that is the real challenge...
When you can write a letter to the person that is laying next to you, the same person that shared the day with you, a letter worth reading... that is when perfection is accomplished, and there is nothing more but to keep writing...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


It is tearing me apart the fact that you are not mine. That you want to belong to someone else. And that that else doesn't want you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Falling apart...

Me duele hasta la quijada de tanta tensión.............

Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar...

Falling apart...

Even though you make me smile.....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


La locura, la excentricidad y la belleza son un estilo de vida. Son mi estilo de vida…

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I told you I would run away... I told you I would hurt you...
Now we can not look at each other, and we find ourselves running away from each other... It is so difficult living in a small town, going to a small school, having common friends, and having to run into you...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My name according to Urban Dictionary...

1. Violeta

Violeta comes from the color Violet and also the flower. Since Violet is a delicate flower, so is the woman that carries this sweet name. She is beautiful, sexy, outgoing, trustworthy and fun to be around. Violeta is very feminine, smart, strong yet sensitive. She knows what she wants in life and is hardly ever truly confused about anything. Very artistic and a romantic fool.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I don’t belong to you. You don’t belong to me. We belong to each other.
Don’t fall for me; I don’t want to fall for you.
Life is only going to get tougher. Let’s stop now…
No more… No more… No more…
You looked me in the eyes and told me you were falling for me… Baby I don’t want to hurt you, but this can only get worse.
You make me happy and you make me laugh, but I am afraid I will only make you cry.
Stop now, don’t fall, hold tight, don’t let go, don’t dive in…
No… No… No…
I have excuses; do you want to hear them?
Then stop, please…
I don’t want to fall for you… Don’t fall for me…
I will hurt you, and you will hurt me…
I am just going to hide now…and I won't let go...

Friday, March 12, 2010

random boy thoughts...

Sometimes you just have to got everything out! Like right now... I am just going to write what is on my mind!
Boys, boys, boys. They are weird, but sometimes cute and also fun. He is playing me, or trying to, or pretending to, but I am having fun, so right now I don't care. On the other hand, he is nice and sweet. It is so random, all of them are nice, but not all of them are good for me, or maybe they are. Oh dear, what should we do? Let's just have fun!
Also she is playing both, but they are nice and amazing boys. She is trying to play us all, but she is my friend too.
For now we'll just party hard and study more!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ohhh writing!

How I missed to write! Writing is part of my life!
I have to keep it up! I hope I will be able to write more than just a few lines that come through my head! :)
I will try my best!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Boys are dramaaaaaaa! TG I am a girl!

Drama, drama, drama...

Dicen las malas lenguas que a las mujeres nos gusta hacer drama, que porque sí, que porque no y porque qué sé yo?!!?
Últimamente me he encontrado con demasiado dramaaaaaa... pero por parte de los hombres...
Han creado más drama que el que yo en toda mi vida, y eso que soy dramática...
Ya estoy cansada de tener que lidiar con ellos y sus dramas. Tienen que detener el drama que parecen nenas y necesitamos hombres...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

No... No... Yes...

It is probably my fault... You asked me and I answered the wrong answer... Maybe it is my fault... Maybe I haven't made myself clear... You've asked me twice and twice I've said no... Maybe next time I should say yes... It is my fault... Maybe if you ask me again I'll say yes... This time I'll answer with the truth... This time you'll hear my voice... And if you do, maybe this time you will run away... Maybe it is for the best...

10 things I hate about you...

Someone already said it better, so here it goes...

10 things I hate about you

I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way youre always right,
I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when youre not around,
and the fact that you didnt call.

But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you,
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all.